Sunday, December 20, 2009

Griping About Other Paranormal Groups

Why is it that some paranormal groups, most of them actually, feel such a need - for lack of a better word - to bag on other groups? I think a lot of them talk trash because of their own insecurities, trying to position themselves as elevated by trying to keep you down. Craziness. Most groups are in this to help people, and if you're not, you really shouldn't be doing it. Yes, it's an interesting hobby, but you can't forget about the people you help.
"They use such and such equipment, they do things this way, they do things that way." Grow up.
One thing that we don't do is bag on others, whether it be their method or their equipment. The only exceptions being groups committing what we consider to be paranormal fraud with fake evidence, groups who present everything they caught in the field but didn't, or barely, sifted through it to remove evidence with obvious and likely terrestrial sources, and those who are dangerous to themselves and others, having no clue nor care that there are real dangers in ghost hunting (see definitions of ghost hunts and ghost investigations in previous post). And groups who bag on us, and even then it's rare for us to bother. Oh, and groups who use (shudder) Ouija boards. Ouija is the French Oui (yes) and the German Ja (yes) put together, making it a Yes Yes board. They should be renamed Nyet-nine boards, or No No boards. We'll do another post on that later.
It makes no difference to us if you use different equipment than we do. We don't care. Whatever works for you, you should use. For instance, I'm not a fan of compasses as a tool, but many ghost investigators and ghost hunters swear by them. Use them by all means. I'm not going to disparage you. Dowsing rods too. Same with K2 meters, though we'll probably get one soon, but I doubt that I will personally use it.
Even within our own group there are members who use tools I wouldn't use, and that's fine. If this tool or that tool is what enables you do get to the truth, great. Use it. As long as it isn't Ouija board.
A classic example of this weird bias is Twice they've denied us a listing for no particular reason, though our standards are excellent, our methods are excellent, we throw out any evidence which is in any way suspect (we get a lot of evidence and post a lot, but you'll never see over 95% of what we gather because we're very strict in our standard of proof and verify everything), and we have a whole flock of investigators with a great sensitivity to the other side, just as we have a good number of skeptics. We've also been doing ghost hunts as individuals independently since long before they even existed!
We in this community ought to be working together rather than trying to set ourselves apart. It will not happen as long as there are haters, and they will alwayd be there.
I guess it's true, that which a sage once told me: If you don't have haters, you're not doing it right.

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