Saturday, December 12, 2009

A Ghost Hunt Vs. Ghost Investigation

This post is about the difference between ghost hunting and ghost investigations.
There are two schools of thought on this, so I'll address that first.
The first school of thought is that a ghost hunt is simply people going out with or without equipment such as cameras and voice recorders to look for ghosts. They hope they catch one, and they have no interest in any aspect of scientific explanations for the existence of ghosts, nor do they try to disprove that which they might or might not have captured evidence of. Very low burden of proof standards. A ghost investigation is a scientific approach to ghost hunting, replete with cameras, scientific gauges like EMF detectors, K2 meters, etc., and the application of logic and reason in an investigation. These tools and methods rule out evidence in an effort to delete false and bad evidence, and what you have left which is unexplainable is submittable evidence of paranormal, or spirit, activity.
The second school of though is one we like a little better. Ghost investigations are exactly the same as above, but "ghost hunts" are not such an informal event, and the evidence is taken very seriously. For us a ghost hunt is the first step, like a preliminary investigation. If we go to a location that is either reported to have paranormal activity, or we suspect might have paranormal activity, the first step is a ghost hunt. This will let us know if there's a need for an actual ghost investigation. We'll use cameras, voice recorders and personal experiences to come to a conclusion as to whether or not to continue with a ghost investigation, at which time we'll schedule a follow up visit to disprove earlier findings, as well as focus on areas to investigate further. If we come up blanked on a hunt, we will not investigate further. This seldom happens because we choose our locations with care, and don't do many random ghost hunts.

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