Sunday, January 10, 2010

Paranormal Activity, the movie.

Tonight I went down to the local RedBox and rented Paranormal Activity, the Movie. This was my first time watching it, and in choosing a single word to describe this movie in my own opinion, I found that I just couldn't do it. So a string of single words will have to suffice.
Sucked, terrible, stupid, lame, waste, of, money, dumb, goofy, overhyped, bad, etc.
RedBox is only a one dollar rental fee, and I feel I'm owed a dollar. Had I paid a small fortune to watch this in a theater, with the cost of tickets, popcorn, milk duds, and soda, all of the above would have been in danger of flying at the screen. This provided that I hadn't already ingested same out of boredom. Another word: Anti-climactic.
One thing could have saved this film and it's reputation. Had they ended it after the girl walked down stairs in her trance and started yelling, the guy running down to assist her and all the noise ceaseing at that point, movie over, it would have pissed me off, but I would have gotten it. I would have finished the movie thinking "You clever bastard film maker. You built the suspense to a high level and left me with it when I go to bed tonight." Instead they show the guy's body hurled into the room (made me think of chimps tossing poop, btw) the entranced girl coming in, smiling at the camera then morphing as she obstensively enters the camera. STUPID ending to a STUPID movie!
On the acting, I think everybody did a really good job. Special effects were ok, but the black velcro strap on the girl's ankle as she was pulled out of the bed should have been taken out post production. As a paranormal investigator, I'd say they got the facts pretty much right. Burning the cross was unneccesary, except maybe it's demise made the ending possible. The slamming doors seemed to serve little purpose in advancing the movie, but it did add shock value.
Script discontinuity alert: they always went to be about midnight, but on the only shot that shows outdoors, they're locking up, arming the alarm, he pulls the shades to check a window, and it's clearly about 7 PM outside, or 6 AM, twilight to be sure.
Buy it? don't waste your money. Rent it? I wouldn't. Borrow it from a chump friend who bought it. Give them a dollar. Help them recoup some of their loss.

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