Hard evidence (and sightings, personal experiences).
In the multiple times I have been to the Oman house, there have been many inexplicable instances of activity that can not be explained in strict terrestrial terms.
Hard evidence: The figurines, top floor.
While one particular (Beetlejuice movie) figurine tends to be the apparent target of something unseen, I don't think this figurine is targeted for any particular reason other than it's the easiest to topple. However, this is NOT the only figurine that topples, the 2nd one does too, as has the "Smoking Man" the troll dolls, and the shrunken head man, although far less frequently. On video we have caught all but the trolls and shrunken head guy toppling, the rest have been witnessed.
Quick disclaimer: We have been at this location whole nights were none of the figurines fall, and other nights were they just won't stay standing.
Aftermath of the House at the End of the Drive framed poster floating off the wall. While the stationary cameras did not catch this occurrence (the sole camera on this floor just missed it, out of frame), it was witnessed by several people, and this was documented right after it happened.
Same day as we set up, and well before any guests had arrived. This camera and tripod were locked down and ready to go, already recording. Note that it's being leaned to the tipping point.
Shadow Hat Man.
On this visit, only one person had a hat on, Phil from PRT, and that hat was a form fitting baseball cap. The "Shadow Hat Man" appears to be wearing a steton or some other square crown, large brim hat. I personally shot this picture, in fact felt I HAD to shoot this picture in this direction at the time. About a dozen attempts to disprove this picture by recreating it were made, we were not able to reproduce it.

Near by where many have described a "vortex." This is a picture Phil took, and Glen Willis and I were present for, there is NOTHING there to reflect light.

There are literally scores of EVPs from so many people, so many of them that I can not possibly post them all for you without writing a dissertation/thesis paper, something I have no stamina for.
There are a whole flock we have posted here. Some may be something, some may not, you decide, and by no means is this all of them, but a small sample.
However I will give you this one
One of the people who perished 200' away in 1969 was (last named) Frykowski. I have a hard time reconciling his name spelling with it's pronunciation, and said so in the bottom floor of this location. This EVP actually says his first name. Nobody was in this, the earthen room.
EVP Name
There is a whole lot more evidence too, but for now let me jump to eyewitness accounts that I was there for, or I personally saw.
Hair stroking, bottom floor.
First visit there, one of the folks kept feeling her hair being stroked. On a subsequent visit, with no knowledge of the hair stroking incident, two other people mentioned they were having their hair stroked in the same room.
Shadow forms.
On one of the early trips we had a very quiet night, not much was happening. While setting up, Justin saw a shadow man watching him in the garage from the road. When he looked up, the shadow man disappeared.
Same night, Phil watched me walk down the stairs from the first floor, and with me he saw a shadow form. I too saw the shadow form next to me.
Later in the night I came up to the first floor, which was vacant, heading to the front door. In the kitchen was a stationary shadow form that dodged back towards the refrigerator when I focused full attention on it.
Upstairs bath.
Unbeknownst to me until a week ago, a little girl a year or two ago saw a dark haired woman with gray skin peering in through the top floor bathroom window, The face then disappeared downwards.
One one of our visits Justin walked into this bath (same night as the street shadow man) and while doing his business saw a shadow form with this bath. On another trip Phil saw the same thing.
Having spoken with Alma Carey, she too saw a shadow form on the second floor (and wearing a hat) walk into the office.
The last one I'm going to relate is a confirmation.
The Ghost Adventures show, Nick is in the bottom bedroom by himself in the dark. He sees a shadow form in the outer room as if watching him.
Two visits ago Jacobs video equipment is clearly and repeatedly showing motion in both the lowest bedroom and the outer room. I walked down to the lowest room solo, in the dark, to check this out.
All was well as I walked through the outer room, sat for a minute or two and asked whatever was there to show up. Nothing happened. I then walked into the adjacent bedroom, stood there for a while looking around in the dark, and when I turned to the open doorway looking into the outer room, a shadow form began assembling into a human shape. I called up to the monitoring station on the walkie talkie and asked Jacob who was in the outer room. He replied that nobody was, and he had a clear view of the whole room.
After maybe 30 seconds the shadow form began do lose integrity, dissolve as I watched. Yeah, I did not hang around for more.
Audible vocalizations.
On the second (the very quiet) trip to the location, we had wrapped up, turned off the cameras and DVR and began collecting the equipment. I went alone to the bottom floor to disconnect and collect the the lowest bedroom camera and tripod. As I walked in the room a gravelly voice said "Azzhole" from directly behind me. I did not break stride, just looked over my shoulder and said "Oh, sure, now you start talking. Too late, you had your chance."
Same room bath, 3 trips later Lilia was in this bath when she heard a gravelly voice say "Steve." This was not living human in origin.
Walking down the stairs from the top to the middle floor, as I stepped from the 3rd to last to the 2nd to last step, a woman giggled over my left shoulder. Nobody else was on the stairs, nobody was on the lower 2 floors, everybody was on the top floor.
Meter activity.
I have measured household current in nearly every corner, every inch of this house, and there are almost no instances of stray EM energy anywhere except for the aquarium ballasts, and the area around the clothes washer, and only when it is running. It's an EM clean environment.
However we have detected, in nearly every part of the accessible house EM pulses with no explanation, and seemingly in response to questions asked. We have traced this phenomena as it has moved from location to location, as it has sporadically presented itself.
This is an active location, and an exclusive location to visit. Not everybody will ever see the inside of this house, so if you get a chance to visit the David Oman house, do seize it.
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