Well, I'm not going to disparage anyone, nor lampoon anyone, but some ridicule is definitely called for and appropriate.
Straight to the heart of the matter: There is no such thing as actual, real paranormal certification, nor are there any degrees or certifications at accredited colleges or universities in this field. They simply don't exist, except as attachments to other courses, such as psychology degrees.
I cite this article from Yahoo answers, and this from the same source, and lastly, and I think the most important one from oddempire.org.
I'm not saying in any way that instruction, or learning from established people in the paranormal field is wrong, bad, or fraudulent, but if somebody asks you for money for a "certification," run. Run fast, run far. Don't look back. The same applies to "investigators" and ghost hunters who want payment for their investigative and ghost hunting services. In fact, many are likely the same exact people!
On that note, if a group, say, the hypothetical "Paranormal Reasearch and Investgations of Central Kentucky," or P.R.I.C.K. (what's with all the acronyms in this field anyway? Just because T.A.P.S. is an acronym doesn't mean you have to be too! Think for yourselves!!!) wants to offer a course which would then lead to a certification marking you as a holder and follower in their beliefs, in THEIR practices, (wouldn't that make you a P.R.I.C.K. Holder?) fine. Let it be marked as such. But realistically, you would then have to identify yourself as such, a P.R.I.C.K. certified group or investigator, or a P.R.I.C.K. Ghost Hunter, not simply a CERTIFIED investigator, lest you mislead the general public into believing you are something you're not.
Now for those of you who insist on being certified, we have just the ticket for you! For the low, low price of just $10, we'll be happy to send you this!
Larger version here
Hey there!
ReplyDeleteAnd I also don't think learning from people is a bad thing (hardly!) Even getting certification under some circumstance from otherwise unqualified sources is not always wrong. In a field like the Paranormal there are really few experts. Not because the scientific process does not work (see my essay "Science, what's wrong with it?") http://oddempire.org/weblog/?p=993 Science and the paranormal have an uneasy relationship because science tends to remove the mystery sugar coating and some people can't face that.
Also it doesn't help that the paranormal is a pseudo science, a false or quasi-science, versus hard, real science. I do have to disagree on one aspect, and that is that certification from an unqualified individual or "institution" can not by it's very definition be anything but wrong. I suppose the key to this is to quantify the word qualify, and in the pseudo science of the paranormal realm, that shouldn't be possible, save for by peer review. However, with such an ego driven field, said peer review is only a concept, replaced and perverted in it's entirety by television ratings and self promotion. Too bad too, because I know there are some really great paranormal investigators out there, and even know quite a few myself, but they'll likely never see the national stage.
ReplyDeleteThanks for commenting Odd Emperor. I very much enjoy your intelligent R&R (ramblings and rants).
Your constant reader.