I got home the other night from an investigation of, ironically, the Granada Theater, which we did in combination with Yussi Paranormal's rather large group to find a hateful post on YouTube regarding one of our earlier Granada Theater EVP videos.
"You guys are fake as hell!! Stop making stupid-ass videos...No wonder there are so many skeptics out there!" is what this guy had to say.
I guess the saying is correct, if you don't have haters, you're not doing it right.
So I deleted this spew, and wrote him back a polite, yet stern email letting him know that:
A) Everything we do is 100% real. We don't fake anything, never have, and never will. There are countless people who can, and will attest to this.
B) Defamation, such as libel and slander, can cost a gob of money to defend against, so, regardless of the stresses that he faces in life that cause him to snipe at people while hiding behind the Internet, he should really know what he's talking about before spewing his hate.
C) That maybe his visceral public reaction was due to this EVP sounding too good to be true, to be real. Well, it is real, it is true, so get over it.
In this vein, I published both the previously unpublished forward version of this EVP and the previously published (in video format) backward "Get Out" version in MP3 format on YoureOn.net. They were uploaded there because, unlike YouTube, you can upload straight audio there without it having to be attached to a video, and people can download said audio items.
Reverse version: http://youreon.net/audio/31/granada-basement-reverse-version
Forward version: http://youreon.net/audio/30/granada-basement-get-out-evp-played-forward
Forward version of basement EVP
Backward version of basement EVP
I then invited him to download these audios and examine them, with a challenge to "debunk" them. He won't be able to debunk them though, nor can anyone else, as they are authentic. I even pointed him to a site where he could get free software to play and analyze the recordings with.
Usually when somebody does something like the hateful sniping this guy did, they're simply trying to drag you down into the same self-pity filled hole they're in, or they're looking for promotion for their own videos, or they have some sort of "Vigilante Self Gratification" complex that needs stoking. I understand all that, but know your facts.
How this EVP came to be found.
I am a sensitive, but not a very good one, in that it is something I can not control. What this means is I can, on occasion, pick up on energies and imprints from the past. I have demonstrated this time and again, and anyone who knows me well can attest to this. In the main basement of the Granada Theater I picked up on some things that were imprinted, embedded in that basement. One was an intensely emotional scene, the other rather mundane, though they were connected. I have never published the scenes, and I never will, though I did pass this information on to one man who is key at the Granada Theater. I thought it was silly, this impression, and was sure I had fabricated it from my own imagination. Much to my surprise, another well known sensitive empathic had picked up on pretty much the same thing about a month earlier, though I did not know this until 5 MONTHS after my first visit to the Granada Theater. I was absolutely floored.
When we began leaving the basement of the theater, one of the guides began telling me a joke. I listened to his joke as closely as I could, so as not to be rude, but as we approached, then climbed the steep stairs out of the basement, something grabbed my attention to my left side. It was very, very strong, and would not be ignored. Most of the way up the stairs on either side is concrete, and I turned to look at it, puzzled as to why my attention was being so strongly pulled to the left. "It's just concrete, for goodness sake, there can't be anything there" I thought. Meanwhile the guide continued his long joke, something about men falling down, but I couldn't recite the joke to this day, because I only heard about every third word, my attention so strongly pulled left.
If you listen to the forward version of the EVP, you'll hear the joke, and every time a man falls down in the joke, the guide says "Ahhhhhh."
Now, I did not consciously hear or remember any of the "Ahhhhhh"'s in the joke, my attention drawn elsewhere, so when I reviewed the recording from that section of the hunt, I was sincerely bothered and puzzled as to what the "Ahhhhhh"'s were. It sounded like a woman going "Ahhhhhh," so my assumption was that it was Amber or Bridget who said the "Ahhhhhh"'s. I asked both, and each said no, they said nothing of the sort.
Back to square one. I had to eliminate the "Ahhhhhh"'s as something paranormal, and I had no memory of them, so I was stumped. I asked co-founder Justin to listen to them, and it was his friend Sergio, who had been there that night, who figured out and volunteered what the "Ahhhhhh"'s were. It was the guide. The "Ahhhhhh"'s were part of the guides joke. Man falls down and says ahhhhhh! Man falls again and says ahhhhhh!
This was after I had listened to this recording 50 or 60 times myself, and I was still puzzled, but now it made sense, and I felt like a complete idiot. I listened a few more times, and sure enough, Sergio was right. Ok, mystery solved.
Still, something had grabbed my near full attention down there, so I was still baffled.
Now I turned my attention to the weird sonics I observed in the same recording when I had played it over and over trying to figure out the "Ahhhhhh"'s, as if it were some great song. There was one particular spot which sounded almost like a long, deep voiced note from a song in the background, and that was the spot I focused on. I could not make any sense of it through any normal methods, slowing it down in increments down to 10%, speeding it up in increments up to 1000% normal. I took it into the equalizer to filter out other sounds, as I thought it sounded modulated, like syllables. Goose egg. Still couldn't tell what it was. I changed the tempo and pitch, and still nothing. The last thing to try was reversing it. As luck would have it, the section that I highlighted and clipped out for reversal had the resonant sonic I mentioned above, and a second sound I had not heard in the forward version.
When I listened to the reversed version, the previously unheard sound said something which sounded an awful lot like a very quick "getout." I was stunned. I sat at my desk still listening as the reverse recording continued to play. "Whoa, what was tha..."
Then the second one played, the rich, resonant sonic I had previously only heard forward. All doubt was removed. "Get Out" was clearly enunciated. I pushed my chair away from my desk absolutely stunned, shocked to the point of inaction as the recording continued for a few more seconds, then ended.
Oh my, I thought, we got something here. I went and got a team member from the other room, sat down at my desk and cued the recording while asking him to listen and asked him to tell me what he thought.
He listened passively while the first, fast "getout" played, and I checked his face for a reaction. Nothing. Then the second "Get Out" played, and his eyes got as big as saucers, he turned to the door, ran out, slamming the door behind him.
I couldn't help but laugh, because had I been standing when I first heard it, I too would have likely fled.
So we then created the video to display what was found. In retrospect, we probably should have included both versions, the forward version and reverse version, in the video, but we were still pretty new at creating videos as the time.
Oh, it would be a simple thing to do, to fake stuff, but seriously, what does one gain? Our goal is to prove life exists after living, but do so by INVALIDATING evidence and findings, not CREATING findings. Well over 99% of what we find is invalidated for one reason or another, and is never posted. Even a good deal of good findings are put on the shelf if we can not explain why it is the way it is.
See, I'll be the first to volunteer that we're not good, we're just very, very lucky. Sometimes things just fall into our laps. One caveat though, and it's a lyric from an old Rush tune: Good work is the key to good fortune.
Had I not taken the initiative to ferret out that sonic, we would have never found the "Get Out" EVPs.
Let me make it simple:
The two biggest, best assets a parnormal group has is its integrity, and its people. I mention integrity first because it is infinitly more important than a group's people. A paranormal group can operate with as little as one person, and as people come and go, the group continues. However a group can not operate without it's integrity. Period. And nothing will ever get us to sacrifice our integrity.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Friday, June 11, 2010
Paranormal Certification
Ok, I've been keeping quiet on this for a long while, but I think the time has come to do some "debunking." We don't like to trash talk people or groups, and we don't like to bring negative discourse into play, but sometimes one must stand up and bring attention to that which is not right. Debunking is a term that we seldom use, because of the negative connotations that accompany that word. Reference.com's definition of "debunk" is: "to expose or excoriate (a claim, assertion, sentiment, etc.) as being pretentious, false, or exaggerated: to debunk advertising slogans." Synonyms include: "disparage, ridicule, lampoon."
Well, I'm not going to disparage anyone, nor lampoon anyone, but some ridicule is definitely called for and appropriate.
Straight to the heart of the matter: There is no such thing as actual, real paranormal certification, nor are there any degrees or certifications at accredited colleges or universities in this field. They simply don't exist, except as attachments to other courses, such as psychology degrees.
I cite this article from Yahoo answers, and this from the same source, and lastly, and I think the most important one from oddempire.org.
I'm not saying in any way that instruction, or learning from established people in the paranormal field is wrong, bad, or fraudulent, but if somebody asks you for money for a "certification," run. Run fast, run far. Don't look back. The same applies to "investigators" and ghost hunters who want payment for their investigative and ghost hunting services. In fact, many are likely the same exact people!
On that note, if a group, say, the hypothetical "Paranormal Reasearch and Investgations of Central Kentucky," or P.R.I.C.K. (what's with all the acronyms in this field anyway? Just because T.A.P.S. is an acronym doesn't mean you have to be too! Think for yourselves!!!) wants to offer a course which would then lead to a certification marking you as a holder and follower in their beliefs, in THEIR practices, (wouldn't that make you a P.R.I.C.K. Holder?) fine. Let it be marked as such. But realistically, you would then have to identify yourself as such, a P.R.I.C.K. certified group or investigator, or a P.R.I.C.K. Ghost Hunter, not simply a CERTIFIED investigator, lest you mislead the general public into believing you are something you're not.
Now for those of you who insist on being certified, we have just the ticket for you! For the low, low price of just $10, we'll be happy to send you this!
Larger version here

Well, I'm not going to disparage anyone, nor lampoon anyone, but some ridicule is definitely called for and appropriate.
Straight to the heart of the matter: There is no such thing as actual, real paranormal certification, nor are there any degrees or certifications at accredited colleges or universities in this field. They simply don't exist, except as attachments to other courses, such as psychology degrees.
I cite this article from Yahoo answers, and this from the same source, and lastly, and I think the most important one from oddempire.org.
I'm not saying in any way that instruction, or learning from established people in the paranormal field is wrong, bad, or fraudulent, but if somebody asks you for money for a "certification," run. Run fast, run far. Don't look back. The same applies to "investigators" and ghost hunters who want payment for their investigative and ghost hunting services. In fact, many are likely the same exact people!
On that note, if a group, say, the hypothetical "Paranormal Reasearch and Investgations of Central Kentucky," or P.R.I.C.K. (what's with all the acronyms in this field anyway? Just because T.A.P.S. is an acronym doesn't mean you have to be too! Think for yourselves!!!) wants to offer a course which would then lead to a certification marking you as a holder and follower in their beliefs, in THEIR practices, (wouldn't that make you a P.R.I.C.K. Holder?) fine. Let it be marked as such. But realistically, you would then have to identify yourself as such, a P.R.I.C.K. certified group or investigator, or a P.R.I.C.K. Ghost Hunter, not simply a CERTIFIED investigator, lest you mislead the general public into believing you are something you're not.
Now for those of you who insist on being certified, we have just the ticket for you! For the low, low price of just $10, we'll be happy to send you this!
Larger version here
Monday, June 7, 2010
New stuff, new places, new faces
Well, we got a little more time at Hollywood Forever Cemetery, found Valentino's crypt, said hi, and walked the mausoleum he's interred in. We also found Peter Finch, which was a surprise. Still, we had just under an hour there, really not even close to enough time to do even the most basic set up, but one does what one can.
We also spent some time in the "gone too soon" section, the children's section, which just makes me sad. At least it's a little lifting to see the care people put into these plots, but not lifting enough to get over the sadness.
After HFC, we ambled over for a day trip to Suicide Bridge in Pasadena, and by the time we got done we discovered a few things. One is that there are homeless people living in the bushes there, though they don't seem to bother the park users. Another is that the area under the 110 freeway bridge is awesome, like a huge, gray, concrete cathedral. I don't mean it's ornate, but just awe inspiring. There's about 3 acres of dirt beneath this overpass, which is a good 250 feet above your head, and that which is above you is graceful curving concrete arches. It was worth the trip just to experience that. The last thing learned was a lesson I have already learned, but didn't follow, and that is to dress appropriately. By the time we got done climbing around the underside of the bridge, we were soaked through with sweat, and I, the idiot I am, am in semi-dress clothes, and didn't bring a change.
Suicide Bridge is the only place where we've ever been blanked. Ok, not entirely blanked, in that we did get the picture of the thing we call "Satchel" last time, but that picture is so open to interpretation. So going there was part investigation, part mission. I dislike it when we spend time and get nothing, so hopefully we caught something this time. We won't review the evidence from this day trip for a couple of days, but when we do we will be thorough.
After that we cruised up to Lucky Baldwin's Pub in old town Pasadena to meet up with the Yussi Paranormal group. Justin and Steve got there early and had a bite to eat (and coffee), and by the time they were done Yussi had shown up, and his group began to arrive. If you're in the SoCal area and want to go on a ghost hunt, or are just curious, we're always open to visitors, and I also recommend you check out Yussi's group. We enjoyed meeting everybody in Yussi's group, each being really great people, and are thankful for the opportunity to hang with them.
From the pub we went, of all places, back to Suicide Bridge with Yussi Paranormal, this time focusing on the upper deck, something we've never done. There are a couple of particular places on this bridge where I was literally overcome with emotion, from desperation to extreme sadness. This should come as no surprise, as there have to be scores of imprinted emotions on this aptly named bridge, there having been well over a hundred people ending their lives there.
We'll review our evidence over the next couple of days and see if we caught anything, and if so, it'll be posted on the appropriate pages. Hopefully the ladies and gents with Yussi's group caught stuff as well, especially this being their gig.
Well, we got a little more time at Hollywood Forever Cemetery, found Valentino's crypt, said hi, and walked the mausoleum he's interred in. We also found Peter Finch, which was a surprise. Still, we had just under an hour there, really not even close to enough time to do even the most basic set up, but one does what one can.
We also spent some time in the "gone too soon" section, the children's section, which just makes me sad. At least it's a little lifting to see the care people put into these plots, but not lifting enough to get over the sadness.
After HFC, we ambled over for a day trip to Suicide Bridge in Pasadena, and by the time we got done we discovered a few things. One is that there are homeless people living in the bushes there, though they don't seem to bother the park users. Another is that the area under the 110 freeway bridge is awesome, like a huge, gray, concrete cathedral. I don't mean it's ornate, but just awe inspiring. There's about 3 acres of dirt beneath this overpass, which is a good 250 feet above your head, and that which is above you is graceful curving concrete arches. It was worth the trip just to experience that. The last thing learned was a lesson I have already learned, but didn't follow, and that is to dress appropriately. By the time we got done climbing around the underside of the bridge, we were soaked through with sweat, and I, the idiot I am, am in semi-dress clothes, and didn't bring a change.
Suicide Bridge is the only place where we've ever been blanked. Ok, not entirely blanked, in that we did get the picture of the thing we call "Satchel" last time, but that picture is so open to interpretation. So going there was part investigation, part mission. I dislike it when we spend time and get nothing, so hopefully we caught something this time. We won't review the evidence from this day trip for a couple of days, but when we do we will be thorough.
After that we cruised up to Lucky Baldwin's Pub in old town Pasadena to meet up with the Yussi Paranormal group. Justin and Steve got there early and had a bite to eat (and coffee), and by the time they were done Yussi had shown up, and his group began to arrive. If you're in the SoCal area and want to go on a ghost hunt, or are just curious, we're always open to visitors, and I also recommend you check out Yussi's group. We enjoyed meeting everybody in Yussi's group, each being really great people, and are thankful for the opportunity to hang with them.
From the pub we went, of all places, back to Suicide Bridge with Yussi Paranormal, this time focusing on the upper deck, something we've never done. There are a couple of particular places on this bridge where I was literally overcome with emotion, from desperation to extreme sadness. This should come as no surprise, as there have to be scores of imprinted emotions on this aptly named bridge, there having been well over a hundred people ending their lives there.
We'll review our evidence over the next couple of days and see if we caught anything, and if so, it'll be posted on the appropriate pages. Hopefully the ladies and gents with Yussi's group caught stuff as well, especially this being their gig.
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