We have some huge news coming, most of which we're not permitted to talk about yet, and some of which we can never talk about, but we'll give that which we can, but only if it does not violate contract terms as well as our own code of ethics.
I'll start with the benign stuff first.
We have submitted the story treatment and partial script I mentioned in an earlier post to a production company, but since they haven't gotten back in touch or sent a release to be signed, I'm assuming that either they didn't get it (unlikely), didn't like it (likely), or deleted it after having been driven stark raving mad by the story (yeah, that's the ticket).
To be fair, we didn't send it in the exact format they called for, so they likely just deleted it, which is fine. I'll continue working on it in my spare time. So look for it in about 120 years.
Justin recently did an investigation with his girlfriend Sam at his girlfriend's house, which apparently has a ton of activity. Toilets flushing on their own, strange noises, doors slamming and ice cold rooms. The data hasn't made it in yet, but I'm told there's at least one great EVP, and a really creepy picture. Can't wait to see / post these!
We just received a brand new K2 meter, as well as a new "Ghost Meter" EMF detector this week, and in initial testing we have found that on some objects and areas each mirrors the other's resulting readings, but at times either is more sensitive and responsive to Electo-Magnetic energy than the other. We're still working on a reason for this. We're also looking for a new Tri-Field meter at a good price, so if you know of one, please drop us a line!
Those of you who have been constantly watching us, you'll note that you rarely see us using EMF meters, because basically, we really don't need to depend on them. Most if not all of our members are weirdly gifted to sensing the paranormal, so these meters are redundant, but you will see us filming our use of them more and more. As a documenting tool they are unparalleled, leaving that which we find a little less subjective.
Speaking of subjective, we also have a brand new Paranormal PX coming (it was shipped today, as a matter of fact) which will probably arrive Wednesday. The PPX (Paranormal PX) is built by the same people who built the discontinued (and highly prized) Ovilus and the Paranormal Puck, and coincidently is like a melding of the two. Unlike the original Ovilus, it has a built in speaker, and like the puck it can be hooked up to a computer. It also doubles the original Ovilus's 1024 word vocabulary to 2048 words. This being a feature rich item, we can hardly wait to put it to good use.
Ok, on the thing I can't talk about, just be sure to check in here often so we can give you more information on the mysterious thing of which I write. That is once we're given the green light to do so. On this mystery item, we were told we could bring a couple people at most, which is ok because we only had a couple people available. I was one of them, and despite my discomfort when on the wrong end of cameras (that being the lens side...I've been working on overcoming this) there was no way I was going to miss this. I would have rather had Justin and / or Amber do this, either together or with Scott (who was spectacular, by the way), but that isn't the way the universe wanted it.
That's all for now.